How We Got Our Name...
Rocky's Story:
I got Rocky when he was a few months old from our local dog pound. He was scared and was growling at my mother and I as we approached his kennel. We took him home and gave him a bath and as soon as we opened the bathroom door he darted out and jumped on my dad who was laying on the couch. After a few days Rocky began to get very sick so we took him to the Animal Hospital, come to find out he had Parvo. They didn't think he was going to make it but after a couple weeks of him fighting for his life he pulled through. Then a few years later he slipped a disk in his shoulders and the vet once again didn't think he would get better without surgery but he did. The dog had a rough life but fought and pulled through everything thrown his way until May 2012. There was a dog food recall and we had been feeding that particular type of food. All of the other dogs had gone to the boarding kennel because I was living at school and my parents went on vacation, Rocky never went to the kennels instead he stayed with my grandma so he continued to eat the contaminated food while the others were fed a different brand at the kennel. I went home that weekend to find that Rocky was very sick and getting worse. I took him to the Animal Hospital and they gave him fluids and at the time couldn't give a clear reason for the sudden illness. I returned to school that Sunday night and the following morning Rocky was so sick that there was no choice but for the vet to put him to sleep. Later that day we were informed about the dog food recall from our vet. Rocky was loved by everyone in our community where we lived and by everyone that ever had a chance to meet him. He had an amazing personality and will be missed dearly. Rocky had a rough life and fought to keep going until he just couldn't fight anymore. Knowing his road in life was rough at points and losing him to such a horrible thing is how I instantly knew that Rocky Road K9 was the perfect name for my training business. |